Any creative endeavour is in theory capable of being tokenised or “NFT’d”. Record prices are being reached for the sale of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). But what are NFTs? How are they created? Why are they so valuable? What does the
Farah Mukaddam (UK)
It’s all kicking off: AG gives opinion in Sky v SkyKick CJEU reference
In one of the most – if not the most – hotly anticipated and significant trade mark cases of the year, the EU Advocate General, Evgeni Tanchev, on 16 October 2019, handed down his Opinion in the Sky v Skykick…
No deal better than a bad deal?
Latest guidance from the UK Government on implications of ‘no-deal’ Brexit for IP rights holders
On September 24, 2018, the UK’s Intellectual Property Office (IPO) published a further series of technical notices on how intellectual property (IP) rights holders might be affected if the United Kingdom (UK) leaves the European Union (EU) in March 2019 without an agreement.
In the UK, the first rule of the Olympics is: You don’t talk about the Olympics
The Rio 2016 Olympics are upon us and will undoubtedly capture the attention, excitement and imagination of the public in the UK and globally.
It is no surprise then that some businesses may seek to capitalise on the opportunity to…
Threat to Groundless Threats: UK Government in favour of reform
On 26 February 2015, the UK Government published its response to the Law Commission’s proposed reforms to the groundless threats of intellectual property right infringement provisions by largely accepting the Law Commission’s proposed reforms, subject to certain qualifications. See UK…
There are no words … Specsavers v Asda: the final installment?
The English High Court has confirmed that use of a combination of words and a background logo can be sufficient to support use of the logo alone even where that logo is not particularly distinctive.
Specsavers appealed against a High…
The Apple of the CJEU’s eye: CJEU holds that retail store layouts are capable of trade mark registration
On July 10, 2014 the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) handed down its judgment following a reference from the German Bundespatentgericht in the Apple Inc. v Deutsches Patent-und Markenamt registry proceedings.
In a landmark…
The End of Cadbury’s Purple Reign?
The English Court of Appeal has sided with Nestlé in the latest instalment of the on-going branding war between Cadbury and Nestlé over Cadbury’s attempts to register a shade of purple in relation to chocolate based products, on grounds of…
Positive ruling from Europe’s highest Court for brand owners in Specsavers v Asda on use of trade mark combinations and colours
by Farah Mukaddam (United Kingdom)
On 18 July 2013, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) gave a ruling on a reference in the case of Specsavers International Healthcare Ltd and others v Asda Stores Ltd…