Cher, Prince, Oprah, Bono – all of these celebrities have one thing in common – the capacity to be recognised by nothing more than a single name. For businesses which are built on the success of a personal brand, a
March 2017
Productivity Commission’s Report on Australia’s IP system

By Georgina Hey (AU) on
The Inquiry Report into Intellectual Property Arrangements recently published by the Productivity Commission (Report) argues that Australia’s IP system is weighted too heavily in favour of rights holders and against the interests of the broader community. It has made various…
Protecting Australian brands in China

By Georgina Hey (AU) on
China continues to emerge as one of the most important intellectual property (IP) destinations for Australians, having overtaken the US and New Zealand as Australia’s predominant destination market for Australian trade marks filed overseas in 2011. With the China-Australia
One ¡Tequila! Two ¡Tequila!
One distilled agave drink . . .
Two distilled agave drink. . .
Three distilled agave drink. . .
Sometimes only Tequila will do the trick. But how do you know if what’s in your shot glass is the real…