The UK’s Withdrawal Agreement Bill has passed in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, received Royal Assent from the Queen, and been ratified by the European Parliament, paving the way for Brexit to take place on
January 2020
China update: Good news (with a warning) for brand owners outsourcing the manufacturing of their products in China
Global trade is currently a clear focus between nations around the world, and we are seeing trade agreement negotiations effecting world economies in an increasingly direct fashion. As IP specialists, we are always alive to the legal developments that fall out of these negotiations, particularly how they impact domestic laws in relation to balancing the competing interests between protecting IP rights with facilitating free trade.
Are IP Australia costs awards set to finally reflect costs incurred? Proposed changes to trade mark hearing cost awards
In December 2019, after much anticipation, IP Australia released a draft of proposed amendments to the costs that may be awarded in relation to trade marks proceedings heard before IP Australia. IP Australia comments that these changes should ensure awards…
Focus on the reform of French trademark law following the transposition of the “Trademark Package”
Order n°2019-1169 of 13 November 2019 on goods and services marks, its implementing decree n°2019-1316 of 9 December 2019 and the Minister of the Economy and Finance and the Minister of Public Accounts decision of the same date on procedural…