February 2019

Advertising Standards Canada (“Ad Standards”) is a not-for-profit self-regulatory body that provides competitors with a confidential forum for the resolution of advertising disputes as an alternative to a court action. The process for dispute resolution with Ad Standards is governed by the Advertising Dispute Procedure (the “Dispute Procedure”). The Dispute Procedure is intended to provide a quick, pragmatic and cost-effective process to resolve advertising disputes and facilitate the expeditious amendment or withdrawal of advertising that contravenes the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards (the “Code”).

It won’t be news to you that there is still a great deal of uncertainty around Brexit and, with the March 29, 2019 looming, we do not yet know if the UK will exit in an orderly fashion (with a deal and with a transition period), obtain an extension of the negotiating period with a view to agreeing terms, crash out without a deal or, reverse the process altogether.