The United Kingdom’s recent Intellectual Property Bill (the Bill) is intended to modernize the IP system in in the UK to ensure it “operates more efficiently, is clearer and more accessible, thus increasing legal certainty.” The Bill, which has a
August 2013
Ground Hog Day: Interim injunctive relief denied for the protection of trademark rights
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By Allyson Whyte Nowak (Canada)
A recent decision from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Rhéo Thompson Candies Limited v. Thompson confirms that an injunction will not issue to prevent the continued infringement of a registered trade-mark unless the…
Ground Hog Day: Interim Injunctive Relief Denied for the Protection of Trade-mark Rights

By Allyson Whyte Nowak on
A recent decision from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Rhéo Thompson Candies Limited v. Thompson confirms that an injunction will not issue to prevent the continued infringement of a registered trade-mark unless the owner of the mark can…
Canadian Online Pharmacy Enjoined from Selling Indian Generics to US Customers
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Global Pharmacy Canada (“GPC”) is an online prescription drug retailer that sells drugs sourced in India to customers in the United States.
GPC is a Belize company, but has a contractual agreement with an Ontario corporation located in Mississauga, RX
Cross-border lessons in combating misleading advertising

By Susan Ross (US) & Stephen Nattrass on
Protecting consumers from false and misleading advertising is a key enforcement priority for both Canada’s Competition Bureau and the United States Federal Trade Commission. The Bureau’s most recent case, against two of Canada’s leading furniture and appliance retailers, demonstrates the