The Ninth Circuit held that, irrespective of a state’s own standards for equitable relief, a federal court exercising diversity jurisdiction is bound by federal common law requirements for granting the equitable remedy of restitution, including the mandate that such relief
Leaf Dilts McGregor (US)
(Mis)Interpretation of Standard Did Not Support False Advertising Liability
The Eleventh Circuit just ruled that a standard-setting-body’s interpretation of its own standards is an opinion that cannot support Lanham Act false advertising liability. Warren Technology, Inc. v. UL LLC, __ F.3d __, No. 18-14976, 2020 WL 3406585 (11th…
Outlaw Labs Can’t Charge Ahead In Suit Against Rhino Sellers
Another chapter in the Outlaw Laboratories litigation drama has ended with another defeat for Outlaw.
In 2018 the FDA warned consumers that some “Rhino” products—supplements that compete with Outlaw’s own “male enhancement” supplements—were adulterated with the active ingredients found in…
Mitigating Advertising Risks During the COVID-19 Crisis
During this time of crisis, pharmaceutical and consumer product companies along with retailers are doing their best to provide the public with products to prevent and treat COVID-19. At the same time, the FTC and FDA have announced that they…