US owners of patents and trademarks who have registered them in Venezuela find themselves in the unusual position of being prohibited by the US government from paying Venezuela any required fees in the Venezuelan cryptocurrency, the Petro. For more information,
March 2019
Ok Google, Hey Siri, Hi Alexa – have you renewed my trade mark yet?
With the ever increasing ubiquity of technologies improving everyday tasks in personal life, it is little wonder that such technologies are also offering efficiencies and advantages in the work context. Phrases such as process automation, data mining, machine learning and …
When can you sue for copyright infringement in the US?
By Joy Wang (US) on
On March 4, 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court settled a split between federal appeals courts regarding when a copyright owner may sue for copyright infringement.…
China public consultation on Draft Regulations addressing bad faith trademark applications
By Justin Davidson (HK) & Phoebe Poon (HK) on
Chinese squatters can easily file applications for trademarks which are identical or similar to foreign brands.…